
Thursday, April 7, 2011

I know I have been slacking lately. I've been working very hard on my recycled jacket and a little vest done on a rigid heddle loom. I'll post pics soon, but I'm in a mandatory class on how to use a to turn it on, how to click, how to...o my...
The little vest is coming out pretty nice. It's done in strips and sewed together. The weaving went fast, but the sewing and trimming is taking forever. Now I'm almost finished but have to find some more thread to match. Always something....
I decided the jacket was too short and hangs funny so I decided to use up all that leftover yarn and make 4 panels to sew around the bottom to make it longer. I had thought of doing one long panel around the edge but the selveges wouldn't have matched.
Opps. Class is over. More later.