
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bobbin Along

I'm still working on the tapestry rug. It's not perfect. I'm not to experienced in it but thought this would be a good chance to learn some tricks.

I did figure out how to make my own bobbins. At $20 a pop, I thought it would be worth it to make my own. I came up with this with dowels and beads. I love em. It only takes me five minutes to make one. I'm not so good at making the non-slip loop though.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Feeling Loomy

Now that I'm out of the hospital and in my new digs, I have the room to set up my looms. My little Dorset loom had a really long warp on it of ugly nylon. I decided to take the warp off and put it on the bigger loom so I could make some rugs with it. I had unwoven some rag rugs that were coming apart and within a day I was ready to weave. I finished the two rugs in record time and decided to try a tapestry rug with what warp was left.